:troll: :troll:
But I'm gonna feed him anyway. :bang: First, "Yemen experts" is an oxymoron -- these people are playing both sides against the middle and nothing they "report" can be fully trusted. Wake up. Al-Awlaki was
THE heir apparent for al-Qaida, not just a part of it. Denying that
FACT is like saying Hitler wasn't really part of the Nazi party, but hey,
"all you know is that your government said he was ..." 
:wtf: Where have you been living, dude??? Did you also miss the memo that explained the world is round? Oh, wait, nevermind, the government told me the world is round, so I can't believe that -- therefore the world is still flat.
If you have doubts, why not Google the guy's name? Why don't you check al-Alwaki's own fucking website (assuming it's stilll up and running). The FBI and CIA and the Israelis have been on this guy's trail for a decade, why would they do that for a middling, terrorist lapdog? The answer is: they wouldn't. This guy was the top of the terrorist food chain. Get with the program.
Who needs facts if the other guy is too dull to comprehend them?